5 Things you should never do while on your period

 5 Things you should never do while on your period
There are things that you should never do while you have your period and things that you never thought you could do. Every week, new information and studies are coming out with the latest news about women and their menstrual cycle. Only one fact remains constant: We are still learning new things about our bodies and the mysteries of our period.
Recent studies on menstruating women have revealed a number of interesting facts. Firstly, it is quite normal for us to be in the mood for loving while we are bleeding. This is because the hormone that lowers the libido, progesterone, is at an all time low while we are bleeding. We also have a harder time concentrating when taking a test while on our period. Go figure, right?

The average woman in the United States menstruates about 450 times in her lifetime. This is a huge increase from the 50 periods our prehistoric ancestors experienced, or the roughly 150 periods experienced by modern women in agricultural societies outside of the U.S. We do a lot of bleeding and have a lot of time to kick back and pamper ourselves, so make every period count for something by finding what you can and can not do while you are getting a visit from dear Aunt Flo.
Many women begin to notice their emotions going haywire a few days before their period and sometimes lasting through their entire bleeding cycle. We may experience happiness, sadness, anger, and insecurity all in the matter of minutes, leaving our men and everyone around us baffled, confused, and kind of scared. During this time of emotional upheaval, we should avoid watching depressing movies. After all, a cryfest in front of the television while the man is curled up in a corner, afraid to move or say the wrong thing, makes everyone miserable. Stick to happy, cheerful movies or avoid watching television altogether and work on a project you have been putting off for the past few weeks.
According to Health.com, women may experience more pain when we have our period because our estrogen levels are low. For those of us who have experienced this first hand, we know that we have to plan painful dentistry and doctor appointments around our menstrual cycle. It also means that getting a wax while menstruating is also out of the question. Plan your wax for the week after your period when estrogen production is back in play.
Let’s face it. We act different and feel different when we have our period. There is no way around it and pretending that we don’t have our period can make us more miserable and more out of sync with our body’s natural rhythms than if we just succumb to spending the day in bed. Instead, we should prepare for our period by stocking up on pads and tampons, buying healthy snacks to eat in bed, and even taking out a few books from the library to read when nothing else seems to make us happy.
It might be tempting, but it will also be messy. Going to bed without a pad or tampon at night will create a mess, stain your sheets, comforter, and ruin your mattress. If you find traditional pads and tampons uncomfortable at night, look into alternatives. There are cloth pads you can make yourself or buy online, as well as period panties or the menstrual cup. Any of these alternatives are comfortable for nighttime sleeping and even regular daytime use.